Top Band Summer Camps and Summer Band Programs for Kids & Teens in New Jersey

Best New Jersey Band Camps Summer 2025 Directory

Find the Best Band Camps in New Jersey!

Over 42 New Jersey Band Summer Camps Listed Below with In-Depth Camp Info, including: Videos, Photos, Maps & Detailed Descriptions

Best New Jersey Band Camps in 2025
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Winter Band Camps, Programs, Workshops, & Classes in New Jersey are Starting in February, 2025

Many of our New Jersey Band Camps offer Winter Band Programs, Activities, Workshops & Classes starting in February, 2025.

Be sure to check the "Year-Round Programs and Other Camp Info" headings of each camp listing for specifics, or give any Band Camp you're interested in a call to check on Winter dates, times and availability.

Winter 2025 Band Camp Open Houses & Reunions

Many of our Band Camps will be hosting Winter Reunions for their previous campers, and Winter Open Houses for interested new campers and families. Each camp is different, and some offer activities for the entire family.

Contact the camp(s) directly to see if there are any Camp Reunion or Open House Plans for February, 2025.

Best New Jersey Winter Band Day Camps Starting in February, 2025

Looking for a Great New Jersey Band Day Camp? Look at each camp's TYPE OF CAMP description. Many of our Best New Jersey Day Band Camps also list their exact hours, and if they offer before and after camp activities.

Best New Jersey Year-Round
Band Camps, Classes & Band Programs

Many of our Best New Jersey Summer Band Camps also offer Year Round Band Camp Programs, Classes, and Activities. You should contact the camps you are interested in to see if they offer Fall, Winter and/or Spring Band Programs, too.

Best New Jersey Winter Band Camp Jobs

Searching for New Jersey Band Camp Jobs? Many of our Best Band Camps are now listing their 2025 Winter Camp Jobs, too. Look for the heading "Summer Camp Jobs" in each camp listing. You can also check any camp's website for their "Work at Camp" or "Winter Employment Opportunities" pages.

View ALL NJ Camps with Winter Work & Leadership Training Opportunities.

Some of the Best Band Camps in the Northeast are here in New Jersey.

New Jersey Band Camp Shirts, Posters, and Gear Available Through Our Website.

Musical Theatre Conservatory
New Jersey Location(s)

Visit Our Musical Theatre Conservatory Website
9 Ridgeway Ct
West Orange, New Jersey 07052

St. Mary's Church
Livingston, nj 07039

Watch Our Musical Theatre Conservatory Video


TYPE OF CAMP: Day Camp. M-F 9:30-3:30 (Before and After care available)

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Musical Theatre Conservatory is a performing arts camp for aspiring performers, ages 7-18. Exciting classes are taught by industry professionals in Voice, Dance, Acting, TV, Comedy, Stage Combat and Auditioning. The final show will be performed in NYC!!! Professional Guest Artists and B'way & TV Agents give your child the best theatre training available. Pool parties and other events make our camp FUN as well as educational. Year-round programs offered too. Please call for all the latest info.

Music/Band, Musical Theater, Theater, Video/Filmmaking/Photography, Fine Arts/Crafts, Dance, Team Sports, Swimming, and more. Singing, Acting, Theatre Dance, Hip Hop, Make-up, Scene Study, Auditioning, Stage Combat, Song Writing, T.V. Commercials, Tap, Audition & College Preparation.

Musical Theatre Conservatory is a Top Band Summer Camp located in West Orange New Jersey offering many fun and educational Band and other activities, including: Video/Filmmaking/Photography, Team Sports, Theater and more. Musical Theatre Conservatory is a top Band Camp for ages: 7-18.

CAMP LOCATION: We are located in Livingston and West Orange NJ

CAMP FACILITIES: We have 8 large rooms with dance mirrors, pianos, wood floors and a pool with a waterfall, slide and hot tub.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Musical Theatre Conservatory is a performing arts camp for aspiring performers, ages 7-18. Exciting classes are taught by industry professionals in Voice, Dance, Acting, T.V., Comedy, Stage Combat and Auditioning. The final show will be performed in N.Y.C.! Guest artists and Agents from the world of B'way and T.V. are there to give your child the best theatre training available. Pool parties and other events make this camp fun as well as educational! Year-round programs offered, too. Please call for the all the latest info.


CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Scholarships are available based on need as well as talent. Please call Randy to make an appointment for a scholarship interview: 973-868-6259

YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: Winter and Spring Classes are available. Enroll now and Save $50!

Classes are held during the year to follow through on the skills the students have learned. There are 3- 10 weeks semesters with classes including: Voice, Song Interpretation, Acting, Theatre Dance, T.V. Acting, Comedy and music instruction.

OTHER CAMP INFO: We will be doing 3 shows. One, in Livingston N.J. and 2 shows in an off B'way Cabaret theatre!


Broadway Boot Camp-July 6th-July 25th
Please go to our website for more information, at Our Camp Website Link:

We are looking for summer interns and we offer paid internships and scholarships.

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Musical Theatre Conservatory

There are 30 Top New Jersey Band Camps Below

Get the Best Price on a Professional Microphone

New Jersey Band Camps

Be sure to ask each New Jersey Band Camp about the amount of band instruction and the overall intensity of their band program.

Some Top New Jersey Band Camps offer rigorous daily band training and lots of intensive band experience. Other great New Jersey Camps offer band as an elective or recreational activity with much less training and intensity.

View ONLY New Jersey Band Day Camps?

Would you like to see a List of Top New Jersey Band Day Camps Only, Organized by City?

We will re-sort this list and show you only Band Day Camps, organized alphabetically by city.

YMCA Camp Mason
Hardwick, New Jersey

Visit Our YMCA Camp Mason Website
23 Birch Ridge Road
Hardwick, New Jersey 07825

Watch Our YMCA Camp Mason Video


TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Day Camp. Ranch Camp, Off-site Adventure Trips

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.


BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: YMCA Camp Mason is a warm and welcoming community that encourages campers to excel and grow. We serve campers in grades 2-10.

Our Horse and Ranch Programs are perfect for the the beginning rider and teach responsibility through horsemanship.

Music/Band, Video/Filmmaking/Photography, Fine Arts/Crafts, Dance, Gymnastics, Weightloss, Basketball, Football, Baseball, Team Sports, Swimming, Waterfront/Aquatics, Adventure, Travel, Wilderness/Nature, Volleyball, Soccer, Horses/Equestrian, and more.

YMCA Camp Mason is a Top Band Summer Camp located in Hardwick New Jersey offering many fun and educational Band and other activities, including: Dance, Fine Arts/Crafts, Travel and more. YMCA Camp Mason is a top Band Camp for ages: 7 - 16.

CAMP LOCATION: YMCA Camp Mason is located in the town of Hardwick, NJ, on 460 wooded acres in rural Warren County. About 1.5 hours from New York City and 2 hours from Philadelphia, our property borders the 70,000-acre Delaware Water Gap, a pristine national recreation area that provides the perfect backdrop for our adventure and nature trips programs.

CAMP FACILITIES: The camp is a fully winterized facility, consisting of 26 cabins and two large lodges. All cabins and lodges have full bathrooms and electricity. Each cabin group hold 8-10 campers and two staff members. Our dinning hall, rec halls and out side courts and facilities are shared by our day, overnight and ranch camps.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: At Camp Mason we pride ourselves in offering our families a unique blend of traditional and adventure summer camp experiences. Whether you're looking for a traditional overnight camp, day camp, ranch camp or adventure treks Camp Mason has a program that's right for you.

CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: Camp Mason's CIT program prepares young adults for leadership and teamwork by providing them exciting challenges and pushing them to step outside their comfort zone. Out CIT program involves an application process and is competitive. More information at: Our Camp Website Link:

CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Financial assistance is awarded on a case by case basis. Please contact the camp for more details.

FAMILY CAMP SESSION(S): Family camps are offered throughout the year. Please visit: Our Camp Website Link:

YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: School groups, group retreats, women's wellness weekend, family camps. Please visit: Our Camp Website Link:

OTHER CAMP INFO: For additional information please visit Our Camp Website Link: or call up at 908-362-8217.

Please see our web site for the most recent fees and dates. Please visit: Our Camp Website Link:

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YMCA Camp Mason

There are 29 Top New Jersey Band Camps Below

Band Camps in NJ
Offer Day & Overnight Options

Some New Jersey Band Camps offer BOTH Day and Overnight Camp options. Be sure to check each camp's description under "TYPE OF CAMP" for complete information, and exact hours.

Some New Jersey Band Day Camps also offer Extended Camp Hours for Early Camper Drop-Off and Pick Up. If you need these services, you should contact the camp to confirm availability.

New Jersey Band Camp Shirts, Posters, and Gear Available Through Our Website.

West Milford, New Jersey

Visit Our Vacamas Website
973-838-0942 (Extension 2) 877-428-8222 (Option 2)
256 Macopin Road
West Milford, New Jersey 07480


TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Day Camp.

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Every summer, hundreds of young people from the tri-state area come to Vacamas for a summer to remember and meet friends they will never forget. Our 12- and 19-day trips provide exciting and challenging age-specific adventures for campers ages 6-17, having completed 1st through 11th grades. In addition to our sleep-away camp, we also have a rapidly-growing day camp which operates between 9am and 5pm each day with before-care and after-care options also available.

Music/Band, Academics, Musical Theater, Theater, Fine Arts/Crafts, Weightloss, Basketball, Baseball, Team Sports, Swimming, Waterfront/Aquatics, Adventure, Wilderness/Nature, Volleyball, Soccer, and more.

Vacamas is a Top Band Summer Camp located in West Milford New Jersey offering many fun and educational Band and other activities, including: Swimming, Volleyball, Baseball and more. Vacamas is a top Band Camp for ages: 6 - 17.

CAMP LOCATION: Camp Vacamas is situated on 230 wooded acres of private land In Northern New Jersey, surrounded by New Jersey�s 4,500acre Norvin Green State Forest. With a private 50 acre lake and beautiful surroundings Vacamas is a world apart in feeling but only 45 minutes away from New York City.

CAMP FACILITIES: Children live in camp cabins with up to eight children their age and two staff members. Cabins for younger campers have bathrooms and showers in sleeping areas. For campers aged 10 and up facilities are located just outside their cabin. Teen Adventure Campers are more self-sufficient and live in platform tents, Adirondack shelters or college dorm style environments. We have a 50 acres lake for swimming. boating and nature study, ball fields, a nature center, creative kitchen, wood shop, library, indoor gymnasium and Theater, high and low ropes courses, an indoor climbing wall, outdoor and indoor basketball courts an rustic amphitheater and an Arts and Crafts Center. Our dining hall seats 600 at a time.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Vacamas Teen Camp is a variety of individualized programs designed to challenge, develop skills and educate teenage campers who are 13 to 17 years old." We offer small, specialized programs with 12 to 24 campers in each group. Our Teen Programs foster independence and provide challenges matched to each teenager's individual interests.

In our Teen Programs, emphasis is placed on enhancing an interest or skill, building a sense of independence, teaching a mature decision-making process and participating in positive community involvement.

All of our programs are designed to assist each teenager in taking the next step in their personal growth and development through a fun, safe, enriching, and challenge- based environment. The Teen Programs are full camp experiences, combining traditional camping activities such as land and water sports, crafts, drama, nature, hiking, cook-outs, and campfires with the special areas of concentration the teenage camper has chosen. All specialized supplies and equipment for each program are provided by Camp Vacamas at no additional cost.

The majority of our Teen Programs are scheduled in 19-day sessions matched to our Junior Camp schedule. Our Theater Program and our Leadership-In-Training Program (LIT) are both six-week sessions.

OUTDOOR ADVENTURE-BASED PROGRAMS Vacamas Teen Camp offers four Outdoor Journey-Based programs tailored to the interests of the adventurous teenager. All of our adventure programs entail developing skills in outdoor living. During an initial week of skill and team-building, campers learn to live and cook in an outdoor environment, set up tents, build campsites and develop their outdoor skills. They then embark on a journey of their choice ranging from Backpacking along the Appalachian Trail, Canoeing the Delaware River passing through New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania, Biking through Pennsylvania Dutch Amish Country, or Novice Rock Climbing in Northwest New Jersey.

All of our adventure programs have Team Leaders who are trained in the specific skills of each journey. Lifeguards accompany the teens on any water-based adventures. One member of each team is certified in American Red Cross CPR and First Aid.

SKILL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS Basketball Skills and Drills: (BSD) is offered to the camper who wants to either develop or perfect his or her ability in basketball. Skill level ranges from beginners to advanced basketball players. At least two hours each day is devoted to learning and improving skill level. The remainder of each day is spent in traditional camp activities.

Exercise, Sports and Nutrition: (ESP&N) The ESP&N Program was created for campers who are interested in developing skills in various areas of sports and concerned about being fit enough to play those sports. At least two hours each day is spent on enhancing skills in several areas of athletic endeavors such as Volleyball, Soccer, Softball, and other team sports from around the world. The teens are also involved In Nutrition seminars and given healthy cooking lessons in their own teaching kitchen.

Healthy Lifestyles: Our Healthy Lifestyles Program is designed for the teen who is struggling with weight management. In today's society the educational and medical communities are concerned about the rise of Obesity during the childhood years. Healthy Lifestyles is dedicated to teaching overweight teens to control their own environment to produce and maintain a healthy weight. This is done through appropriate exercise designed by our certified fitness trainer and through cooking classes, healthy shopping expeditions with tutorials and seminars on proper nutrition.

The traditional camp program is modified to meet the needs of the child who may struggle with extremely rigorous activities.

Performing Arts: The Theater Program is a performing arts program designed for the teenager whose interest lies in the entire range of creating, producing and performing in a live production. We focus on musicals to show case the teen's talents in vocal, acting and dance. This is a six-week program. The time at Camp includes preparing for a major presentation, as well as participating in traditional camp activities. All participants are taught about all aspects of creating a performance including building sets, creating props, designing costumes, as well as the acting, dancing, singing and choreographing the entire production.

At the culmination of the six-week program, the production is presented to the entire camp in the Leonard Franklin Theater, which has professional staging, sound systems and lighting. The families of each of the participants are invited to see the final production.

Culinary Arts: The Culinary Arts Program is designed for the teenager whose interest lies in the whole range of culinary skills. We will host cook offs and bake offs and will create our own Vacamas Chef Game Show. It will entail preparing existing recipes to creating their own creations in a professional commercial kitchen with all the restaurant equipment. The program will showcase their newly learned skills with the serving of a full course meal prepared for specifically invited guests.

Life Guard Training: The LGT Program is designed for the 15 who is a strong swimmer. It is a 3 week experience that incorporates traditional Teen camp activities with 2 hours a day of training which includes lifesaving, CPR and First Aid. It gives the young person a marketable skill which enables them to work after school or in the summers at facilities that employ certified lifeguards.

CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: LIT Program. Leadership in Training (LIT) the program is offered to the Teen who will be 16 by the end of the current calendar year. The Program is intended for the adolescent who is interested in working in a camp environment in several different areas. Workshop topics include general childcare, camp programming, leadership skills, positive communication and reinforcement, dealing with behavior problems, creating a positive and healthy group, and developing and running specialty areas.

After completion of the initial orientation, workshops and team-building activities, the LIT spends four hours per day assigned to different areas of camp under the tutelage of an experienced staff member. A portion of their time is spent on community service projects, such as a Camp construction project, or at service learning off camp site such as Habitat for Humanity.

The LIT Program is a very selective program. In order to be accepted into this group, the participants must have three recommendations from their high school staff or former employers. After successfully completing this program, the LIT may be offered a position as a salaried Junior Staff member for the following summer.


Session 1 June 28th-July 9th Session 2 July 12th - July 30th Session 3 August 2nd - August 20th Each child's fee is set individually, taking into account family income and size and using our sliding fee scale. We strive to make summer camp safe, fun and affordable for all.

Jobs available:
Arts Specialist
Education Specialist
Kitchen Staff

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There are 28 Top New Jersey Band Camps Below

Groove Specialty Camps
New Jersey Location(s)

Visit Our Groove Specialty Camps Website
Camps in Delaware, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania

Wilmington, Delaware
Cherry Hill, New Jersey

Watch Our Groove Specialty Camps Video


TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Day Camp. Weekdays: Daily 9:00am - 12:00pm and 1:00pm-4:00pm

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: GROOVE Specialty Camps are hands-on, entertainment-packed programs for campers looking for more than just the usual summer camp experience. This summer, we’re hosting a variety of our fun & popular camps throughout PA, NJ & DE! These are one-week camps that run as either full day or half day camps, depending on the location.

Music/Band, Technology, Video/Filmmaking/Photography, Dance, and more. Song Writing, DJ, & Broadcasting.

CAMP LOCATION: Groove offers both full-day and half-day camps at various locations in Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware. Please visit our website for specific camp locations and dates.

CAMP FACILITIES: Groove partners with several camps in the Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware. Facilities vary at each location. Please visit our website for a listing of all camp locations.

Groove provides a fun, interactive, hands-on camp experience like no other! From Filmmaking to Songwriting with DJ and Broadcaster options we offer a truly unique opportunity for kids to tap into their creativity, learn skills that will foster their ideas and have a great time in the process. Groove strives to maintain an inclusive atmosphere. Everyone gets involved at their own pace and is able to focus on what individually inspires them.

Groove conducts thorough background checks on all instructors.

YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: Enrichment Programs
Dance Parties
Birthday Parties
Private Parties
Corporate Events

Groove has half-day and full-day camps available in multiple locations throughout Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware.

All Groove camp options can be found on our website at: Our Camp Website Link:

If you're looking for a fun summer gig, then get your summer GROOVE on with us! We're looking for instructors that love working with kids on a variety of hands-on camps: SONGWRITER, FILMMAKER, BROADCASTER, DJ & HIP HOP 101.

We are currently staffing for the following locations:

Philadelphia Area Suburbs
Pittsburgh, PA
Wilmington, DE
Cherry Hill, NJ

Please check out Groove camps at: Our Camp Website Link:

Then send your resume and some info about you and your summer interests to: info[AT]

We re also always looking for part-time staff during the school year for our Rockstar Parties & Events. We need:Camera Operators, Video Editors, Hip-Hop Dancers & Audio Engineers.
Groove also offers internships!

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Groove Specialty Camps

There are 27 Top New Jersey Band Camps Below

New Jersey Band Camp Shirts, Posters, and Gear Available Through Our Website.

Camp Gan Israel of Central NJ - Highland Park
Highland Park, NJ

Visit Our Camp Gan Israel of Central NJ - Highland Park Website
435 Mansfield St.
Highland Park, NJ 08904

170 College Avenue
New Brunswick, NJ 08901

Watch Our Camp Gan Israel of Central NJ - Highland Park Video


TYPE OF CAMP: Day Camp. Daily 9:00-4:00, Travel Camp.

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.


Music/Band, Science, Musical Theater, Theater, Fine Arts/Crafts, Dance, Gymnastics, Basketball, Football, Baseball, Team Sports, Swimming, Waterfront/Aquatics, Travel, Soccer, Martial Arts, and more. Karate, Mad Science, Swimming, Sports, Edible Crafts, Scrapbooking, Outdoor Hunts, Arts & Crafts, Challah Baking, Prize Store, Shabbos Party.

CAMP LOCATION: Please visit our website for lots of camp photos and videos.

CAMP FACILITIES: 12 bunk rooms, outdoor pool, cafeteria, arts & crafts room, gym, game room, outdoor playground, basketball courts, outdoor fields.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Sign up for the summer of a lifetime at Camp Gan Israel Highland Park! For ages 3-12! Unbelievable packed schedule: Trips, Swimming, Karate, Theatre, Dance, Sports, A/C, Edible Crafts, Mad Science, Archery, Game room, Scrapbooking, Outdoor Hunt, Daily Hot lunches & Snacks, Shabbos Party, Prize Store, Challah Baking and lots more! Check us on the web: Our Camp Website Link:

CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: CIT Program for girls entering 8th grade.

Rates are per week: Day Camp: $275 ($2020 for summer) Please check our website at: Our Camp Website Link:

Pool Staff: *The Head Lifeguard is required to be 22+. Lifeguards are required to be post high school. *Certifications: Red Cross Lifeguard Training, CPR/AED, WSI a plus. *Have a minimum of: two years experience consisting cumulatively of at least 16 weeks as a children’s camp lifeguard.

Pool staff are required to have strong communication and leadership skills, strong risk management and safety awareness, and a thorough knowledge and application of lifeguard surveillance and rescue techniques.

All pool staff are responsible for guarding their area of responsibility, responding to any level of incident around the entire facility, enforcing our rules fairly and politely, checking and maintaining pool chemicals (head guard), ensuring member safety, being patient and enthusiastic while teaching and holding productive lessons, setting up and cleaning up lesson station,and other tasks assigned by the Director and Head Lifeguard.

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Camp Gan Israel of Central NJHighland Park

There are 26 Top New Jersey Band Camps Below

Morris Regional Performing Arts Company Summer Programs
Rockaway, New Jersey

Visit Our Morris Regional Performing Arts Company Summer Programs Website
50 Knoll Drive
Rockaway, New Jersey 07866


TYPE OF CAMP: Day Camp. July 15-27 Weekdays Summer Spotlight Series 9:00-2:00, Production 3:30-8:00

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: This year, we are offering two opportunities. The Summer Spotlight Series, which entails one on one instruction and master classes in all practicalities of theatre with an emphasis on preparing individual actors for the industry, including monologue and solo musical theatre work, dance, and technical theatre. We will also be producing a full play, Clue! You may choose to be in either program or join us for both for a discount!

Music/Band, Musical Theater, Theater, and more.

CAMP LOCATION: Our camp is based out of Morris Knolls High School located in Rockaway, NJ.

CAMP FACILITIES: Morris Knolls boasts a high end black box theatre and dance studio along with a high capacity auditorium for our performances.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Founded in 2022, the Morris Regional Performing Arts Company prides itself on a singular goal: shining a spotlight on tomorrow's stars. Built by performing arts educators, Morris Regional PAC strives to provide supplemental performing arts education to students in Morris County, New Jersey, and the surrounding areas.

Aware of the growing need for a comprehensive performing arts education, MRPAC is built uniquely around the goal of providing a well-rounded educational opportunity to its students. MRPAC, and its founding members, believes in an inclusive approach to training the next generation. At MRPAC, we value the opportunity to put students on stage as much as possible, allowing them to develop and hone their craft in real-time. Students who study at MRPAC are guaranteed individualized instruction within the context of large scale performances.

Our team of professionals represents a diverse and comprehensive background of skillsets. The MRPAC has been constructed by certified educators, and includes a broad background of industry experience. With multi-disciplinary training, our staff includes professional actors, musicians, dancers, stage managers, and technical professionals.

Both the Summer Spotlight Series and the production of Clue will run from July 15-26, with performances on the evenings of July 26 and 27. The Summer Spotlight Series will meet weekdays from 9:00-2:00 and rehearsals for Clue will meet from 3:30-8:00.

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Morris Regional Performing Arts Company Summer Programs

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Find a great collection of custom-made shirts, hoodies, bags, swag & gear on our RedBubble page. Click on any image or the link below.

More Info

Musical Theater Camp
Wharton, New Jersey

Visit Our Musical Theater Camp Website
180 Route 15 North
Wharton, New Jersey 07885

CAMPER AGES: Junior and Senior High


CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

AFFILIATION(S): Christian.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Intensive 2 week summer musical theater camp in North Jersey. In addition to play rehearsals and performances, each student will receive instruction in the various aspects of drama production including: acting, choreography, singing, set design, sound and lighting, and producing/directing.
Each student will also attend master classes and Q&A sessions with veteran Broadway stage performers!

Music/Band, Musical Theater, Theater, Dance, and more.

CAMP FACILITIES: Our performances are held in a fully equipped college's performing arts center theater. Accompanying a proscenium stage, the facility offers: dressing rooms, catwalks, a posh lobby, elegant theater style seating, and more.

Camp Dates: Monday July 25th - Sunday August 7th
Cost: $450.00 Tuition for two week camp plus $25 Audition Fee

More information can be found at

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Musical Theater Camp

There are 24 Top New Jersey Band Camps Below

Tall Pines Day Camp
Willilamstown, New Jersey

Visit Our Tall Pines Day Camp Website
1349 Sykesville Road
Willilamstown, New Jersey 08094

Watch Our Tall Pines Day Camp Video



CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

SPECIAL NEEDS CAMPERS: We are a nut free facility.

Music/Band, Musical Theater, Theater, Fine Arts/Crafts, Dance, Gymnastics, Basketball, Football, Baseball, Swimming, Tennis, Waterfront/Aquatics, Soccer, Golf, Horses/Equestrian, and more. Horseback Riding, Music Lessons With School Of Rock - Includes Drums, Guitar, Keyboard & Vocals, Theatre Program - Annual Camp Show.

CAMP LOCATION: We are located in south Jersey between Philadelphia and the Jersey Shore

Activities run the gamut from sports, crafts, performing arts, music and horseback riding. Campers participate in swim lessons, nature and our favorite Gaga! Our camps sits on 66 acres and has 45,000 sq. of air-conditioned buildings. Tall Pines is accredited by the ACA and is state certified.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Campers are grouped by age and gender and are closely supervised. Junior Camp, ages 3 – 6, are placed in small groups and led through pre-set activities. Middle Campers, 7-9, and Senior Campers, 10-12, participate in an elective program in addition to their regular schedule.

Our Counselor-In-Training (CIT) Program, ages 13-14, have the best of both worlds, since they get to be campers half the day and train for staff positions the other half. They also go on weekly trips to places like Great Adventure and Dorney Park. As an option, the CITs can travel with our Teens on Wheels Program. CITs can become staffers after finishing ninth grade.

There is something for everyone at Tall Pines. Activities run the gamut from sports, crafts and performing and music arts. Over 800 campers participate in horseback riding, swim lessons, nature, X-Box game room, and our favorite Gaga! NEW this year our 50’ high zip tower with twin 700 ft. zip lines! Our camp sits on 66 acres and has 45,000 sq. ft. of air-conditioned buildings. Tall Pines accredited by the American Camp Association and is state certified.

CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: CIT program for 7th and 8th Graders: Weekly trips, Weekend getaway Trip, 1/2 day with peers 1/2 with bunks training to be counselor.

June 24-August 15, 2014

8 Weeks
June 23-August 15, 2014
Min 3 weeks

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Tall Pines Day Camp

There are 23 Top New Jersey Band Camps Below

Campus Kids-NJ
Blairstown, NJ

Visit Our Campus Kids-NJ Website
PO Box 369
Blairstown, NJ 07825

PO Box 8 Madison, NJ 07940

Watch Our Campus Kids-NJ Video


TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Weekday Sleep-Away Camp

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Monday to Friday at camp and home on the weekends, transportation included. An ideal first sleep-away camp experience. Each camper chooses his/her activities every day: fine arts, performing arts, swimming, athletics, nature, fitness, and much more. 2 weeks up to full season. On the beautiful rural campus of Blair Academy. Low-key competitive philosophy. ACA-Accredited since our first summer in 1991!

Music/Band, Technology, Musical Theater, Theater, Video/Filmmaking/Photography, Fine Arts/Crafts, Dance, Gymnastics, Weightloss, Basketball, Football, Team Sports, Swimming, Tennis, Adventure, Volleyball, Soccer, Golf, and more. Squash, Fencing, Ceramics, Archery, Ultimate Frisbee, Softball, Fitness Center, Volleyball, Skateboarding, Rocketry, Digital Photography, Drums, Guitar

CAMP LOCATION: We are located on the amazing campus of Blair Academy in Blairstown, NJ, an hour from Manhattan and ten minutes from the Delaware Water Gap.

CAMP FACILITIES: Indoor heated swimming pool, 10 tennis courts, 7 squash courts, 9-hole golf course, extensive sports fields, fitness center, 500-seat theatre, dance and music studios, ceramics studio, fine arts studios, very comfortable dorms and dining room.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Campus Kids-NJ is a "weekday sleep-away camp": Monday through Friday and camp and home with the family on weekends. We provide transportation from the NY-NJ area. It's the best of both worlds . . . sleep-away camp and family time during the summer! We feature "Camper Choice Programming" so each camper chooses his/her own activities every day. It's easy to try new things and also to concentrate on your favorites. Activities include swimming lessons, recreational swim, archery, fencing, tennis, squash, ultimate, golf, soccer, softball, basketball, gymnastics, volleyball, touch football, kickball, aerobics, yoga, jogging, fitness center, lacrosse, skateboarding, hiking, fishing, arts & crafts, tie dyeing, silk screening, ceramics, drawing, painting, digital photography, chess, rocketry, drums, guitar, drama, dance, theme days and special events. Specialty options are available in squash, tennis, ultimate Frisbee, and fitness.


Camp dates and fees are on this web page: Our Camp Website Link: . Tuition is all-inclusive. Weekly transportation is included in the camp fee. Tippping of staff is prohibited and does not take place at our camp. We offer enrollment options of 2 weeks or more.

Counselor jobs available.  Must be 18+ and have completed one year of college or other post-high school experience. See "Staff Information" on our website.

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Campus KidsNJ

There are 22 Top New Jersey Band Camps Below

Elefante Music & School of Performing Arts Musical Theater Camp, Jazz & Rock Camps, and Dance/Drama
New Providence, New Jersey

Visit Our Elefante Music & School of Performing Arts Musical Theater Camp, Jazz & Rock Camps, and Dance/Drama Website
1790 Springfield Avenue
New Providence, New Jersey 07974

Watch Our Elefante Music & School of Performing Arts Musical Theater Camp, Jazz & Rock Camps, and Dance/Drama Video

CAMPER AGES: Kindergarten through 12th grade

TYPE OF CAMP: Day Camp. Three 2-week sessions, weekdays 9am-3pm, June 26-Aug 4 2017

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: We proudly offer a full summer of music and performing arts camps. Our popular Musical Theater Camp runs from 9:00-3:00 for 3 2-week sessions for a total of 6 weeks. Students can choose how many 2-week sessions they would like to attend. Musical Theater Camp is followed by New Jersey Jazz Academy Camp, Percussion Camp, Rock Band Camp, Drama/Dance Intensive Camp, Acting for the Camera Camp, Just Strings Camp, Broadway Beginners Camp, and Jump-Start Instrumental Camp!

Music/Band, Musical Theater, Theater, Dance, and more.

CAMP LOCATION: We are located in Union County, New Jersey, about 25 miles from Manhattan.

CAMP FACILITIES: Our New Providence facility houses large rehearsal studios, dance rooms, and lesson rooms. Our Musical Theater Camp is held at the campus of The Pingry School in Basking Ridge, where we rehearse and perform in spacious dance rooms, 2 main-stage theaters, and choir rooms. We have lunch in a large, sunny cafeteria.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Musical Theater Camp: In the morning we participate in skill-based classes in dance, acting and musical theater. After lunch there is a "wildcard" session in which we do something different each day. Past wildcards have included: master classes with Billy Elliot's (and the new film of Annie's) Stephanie Kurtzuba, master classes with film, T.V. and Broadway casting directors Paul Russell and Bobby Cline, workshop with technical director Brian Lynch, Hip-Hop Choreography, Theater Dance with Laura Chaneski, Playwriting, Poster Design, Musical Theater History and Voice Class.

The last two hours of camp is our Performance Workshop, where we will be preparing for our performance which will be held on the Friday night at the end of each session on a professional stage. Our staff boasts extensive professional credits including Broadway, Off-Broadway, National Tours, regional theater, concert stage, television, film, and commercials. One of our young campers from last summer went directly from our camp to a starring role on Broadway as Lulu in Sarah Bareilles' hit musical Waitress! She performed a number that she had learned at our camp during her Waitress audition.

The New Jersey Jazz Academy at Elefante Music hosts 2 summer camps: Elefante All-Star Jazz Ensemble Camp and Jammin' Jazz Juniors Camp. These camps are unique opportunities for experienced jazz players. Students will pick up solid skills to enhance their school ensembles Both camps culminate in a Friday night performance on the last day of camp.

Dance/Drama Intensive Camp: In Dance Intensive, students: - Learn a variety of dance styles - Improve overall technique - Take classes in: Ballet, Tap, Lyrical, Jazz, Modern, Hip Hop, Musical Theater & More! - Rehearse for the Dance Performance at end of week! In Drama Intensive, students explore: - Acting/Improv Games - Character Development, Set Design & Costumes, Props - Get their own part, script and lines - Rehearse for a play to be performed at the end of the week.

At Rock Band Camp campers will play in a wide range of contemporary musical styles (rock, R&B, soul, etc.) and will learn what it's like to be "studio musicians" - artists who provide backing for bands and soloists in recording studios and in live performances. Rock camp culminates in a Friday night performance on the last day of camp.

At our NEW Percussion Camp, percussionists will work with internationally recognized guest artists and clinicians in many different percussion disciplines.

Broadway Beginners camp: children aged 3-5 enjoy a wonderful camp experience as singing, dancing, and acting is seamlessly integrated into a 1/2 day of fun!

Acting for the Camera Camp: Here's a unique and fun opportunity to study the techniques used by film, television, and commercial actors. Learn how to make the camera work for you. Each camper will receive his/her own video "reel" at the end of the camp.

Just Strings Camp is a week dedicated to violin, viola, cello, and bass players! Play fun pieces in an ensemble setting. Improve intonation and create a beautiful tone.

Jump-Start Instrumental Camp. Kids starting the first year on their school instruments will enter their school bands or orchestras confident and ready to make music!

CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: High school-aged interns. Interview required.

YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: Year-round classes in musical theater, voice, dance, and acting. Year-round lessons in all instruments.

Musical Theater Camp: Session I: June 26 - July 7. Session II: July 10 - 21. Session III: July 24 - August 4. Times: 9:00am-3:00pm Performance: 7:00pm on last Friday of each session. Tuition is $725 per session.

Elefante All-Star Jazz Ensemble Camp: June 26-July 7th, 8:00am-10:00am. Tuition is $300.

Jammin' Jazz Juniors Camp: June 26-July 7th, 10:30am-12:30pm. Tuition is $300.

Percussion Camp: July 17-July 21, 1:00pm-5:15pm. Tuition is $399.

Rock Band Camp: July 24-August 4. 9:30am-11:30am. Tuition is $300.

Dance/Acting Camp: August 7-August 11. 9:00am-3:30pm. Tuition is $275 for one camp; $500 for both camps.

Broadway Beginners Camp: August 14-August 18. 9:00am-12:00pm. Tuition is $275.

Acting for the Camera Camp: August 21-August 25. Tuition is $275.

Just Strings Camp: August 21-August 25. 3:30pm-5:00pm. Tuition is $150.

Jump-Start Instrumental Camp: August 28-September 1. 9:30am-12:30pm. Tuition is $300.

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Elefante Music and School of Performing Arts Musical Theater Camp Jazz and Rock Camps and DanceDrama

There are 21 Top New Jersey Band Camps Below

New Jersey Band Camp Shirts, Posters, and Gear Available Through Our Website.

Harbor Haven
West Orange, New Jersey

Visit Our Harbor Haven Website
Pleasant Valley Way
West Orange, New Jersey 07052

470 Prospect Avenue, Suite 203B
West Orange, NJ 07052


TYPE OF CAMP: Day Camp. 9-3:40 Monday through Friday; Before and After Care Available; Door-Door transporation can be provided in most cases

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Harbor Haven offers comprehensive, dynamic, fun programming for children with mild special needs. This unique 7-week summer camp provides children with a social, learning based summer adventure that bridges the gap between school years and helps prevent regression and promote improvement. In a nurturing, camp environment children engage in a variety of traditional summer activities combined with support for the academic, therapeutic and social needs. Spaces fill fast so call today or visit our website for more information.

SPECIAL NEEDS CAMPERS: Harbor Haven is designed for children with mild special needs including Attention Deficit Disorder, Asperger's Syndrome, mild ASD and other types of learning, communication, sensory and social challenges. We include sibling, cousin and staff children with no IEP's and place them age appropriately in camper groups. This component creates the perfect blend...special needs children learning and having fun beside and interacting with typical peers carefully selected to enhance the experience for everyone's benefit.

Music/Band, Computers, Math, Science, Academics, Theater, Video/Filmmaking/Photography, Fine Arts/Crafts, Dance, Gymnastics, Basketball, Baseball, Team Sports, Swimming, Tennis, Travel, Volleyball, Soccer, Golf, Martial Arts, and more.

Yoga, Zumba, GaGa, Bicycle Riding, Four Square
Language Arts/Reading Reinforcement
2- Week Travel Camp (day Travel Only) For 16-18 Year Olds

CAMP LOCATION: Located in Essex County on a beautiful private school campus with 8 park like acres, Harbor Haven is about 35 minutes from Manhattan. Our transportation system can provide door-door pick up and drop off within an hour radius in most cases.

CAMP FACILITIES: Our state-of-the-art facility boasts an outdoor, heated swimming pool, athletic fields, tennis courts, a cutting edge central air-conditioned school building including a huge gym, cafeteria, numerous classrooms/activity rooms and more.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Harbor Haven is ACA (American Camp Association) accredited, and a state and town approved youth camp. Since 1997 parents, children, professionals and service providers have recognized and praised the excellent results of our program.

Our staff is professional, experienced and highly trained. Each senior staff member holds a degree in special education or a related field with experience in both educational and therapeutic settings working with children with special needs. Counselors are carefully selected for their ability to facilitate growth for our children and their motivation to work in our setting.

We provide a safe, secure, fun and motivating environment. A registered nurse is on site. Staff undergo thorough background checks. Staff to child ratio is 1:3 or better. Safety and security are carefully monitored.

Ease your child's transition back to school in the fall and help prevent academic and skill regression at Harbor Haven. Give your child a summer experience that will help build skills and confidence!

CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: Harbor Haven has a two week volunteer program for 17 and 18 year olds. There are very limited spots available. An interview is required along with completing an application and getting 3 letters of recommendation.

CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Some campers receive funding through their school district. Check with your case manager to see if this is an option for your child.

You can submit limited portions of the Harbor Haven program to your insurance company for reimbursement. We can provide you with a codified bill after you have paid in full.

We are approved by Perform Care (formerly known as DDD.) Your child must be eligible for funding from this agency.

Other agencies such as Catholic Charities, Kiwanis and Knights of Pythias and Columbus have provided scholarships in the past.

All of the above must be pursued by the parents/guardians. Harbor Haven will be happy to complete any paperwork required of them.

YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: Open Houses are conducted in the winter and spring for interested families. Please call us at 908-964-5411 or visit our website for more information about our upcoming open houses.


Age appropriate programs for 3-18 year olds

Bright Beginnings: ages 3-5
Juniors: ages 6-7
Intermediates: ages 8-9
Seniors: ages 10-11
Tweens: ages 12-13
Teens: ages 14-15
LIFE Program: ages 16-18
TravelQuest: ages 16-18

Please visit our website Our Camp Website Link: for complete information about dates and fees. To find fees on the website click on "Enrollment Application" or "Enroll Now." Please call 908-964-5411 for more information. We are here all year long!

Pool Director
Physical Education Teacher
Special Education Teachers
Group Counselors (College/graduate students with related majors)
School Psychologists and Social Workers

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Harbor Haven

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Johnsonburg Camp and Retreat Center
Johnsonburg, New Jersey

Visit Our Johnsonburg Camp and Retreat Center Website
822 County Road 519
Johnsonburg, New Jersey 07825

Watch Our Johnsonburg Camp and Retreat Center Video


TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway.

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

AFFILIATION(S): Christian.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Camp Johnsonburg is a beloved New Jersey summer camp now in our 63rd year of operation. Unlike the corporate summer camps in the area, we are a local small business with local ties and community impact. Johnsonburg is a christian summer camp in the presbyterian tradition, and we welcome all.

Music/Band, Fine Arts/Crafts, Waterfront/Aquatics, Adventure, and more.

CAMP LOCATION: Located only ten minutes from the Hackettstown and Hope exits off of I-80, our 300+ acre site features rolling hills, tranquil forest, and a glacially-carved, spring-fed lake.

CAMP FACILITIES: Our private lake is a highlight, with paddleboards, inflatables to jump on, and clear water to swim in. We've got a pool as well, plus a towering high ropes course, 9 holes of disc golf, creative arts and crafts, and a whole lot more. Summer campers stay in updated rustic cabins or tent cabins.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Our summer camp program is defined by empathetic and well-trained counselors, tons of activities, and a small group model that allows kids to easily connect with each other and make new friends. All summer staff undergo a 2-week intensive summer camp training period, defined in part by the NJ summer camp safety act as well as our American Camping Association certification. Johnsonburg summer campers love our staff, and stay in touch long after camp is over.

CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: We have two Leadership Training Programs, which are not only fun and popular but prepare teens for early adulthood. Find out more info at our dedicated page for summer camp Leadership at:

Our Camp Website Link:

CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: We regularly give out over $50,000 of scholarships and financial aid on a need-based, first come first served basis. Please contact our office for more information.

FAMILY CAMP SESSION(S): We have two fun family camp weekends, called "Get Away to Play." You can view more information and register for this fun New Jersey summer camp family experience at Our Camp Website Link:

YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: Johnsonburg hosts a variety of youth events and family fun days throughout the year. Summer is not the only time you can get the New Jersey summer camp experience - bring your whole family to our events. See our calendar and details here: Our Camp Website Link:

Please see our full slate of programming at Our Camp Website Link:

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Johnsonburg Camp and Retreat Center

There are 19 Top New Jersey Band Camps Below

New Jersey Band Camp Shirts, Posters, and Gear Available Through Our Website.

Camp Oakhurst
Oakhurst, NJ

Visit Our Camp Oakhurst Website
111 Monmouth Road
Oakhurst, NJ 07755

Watch Our Camp Oakhurst Video


TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Day Camp. Summer sleepaway camp sessions 4-12 days/nights; off-season respite 2-7 days/nights

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

SPECIAL NEEDS CAMPERS: Special Needs - physical and developmental disabilities

Music/Band, Technology, Musical Theater, Theater, Video/Filmmaking/Photography, Fine Arts/Crafts, Basketball, Swimming, Waterfront/Aquatics, Wilderness/Nature, Volleyball, and more. Special Needs - Physical & Developmental Disabilities, Including Autism Spectrum Disorder.

CAMP LOCATION: Camp Oakhurst is located on a scenic 15-acre site in Oakhurst, New Jersey in Monmouth County, about one mile from the Atlantic Ocean. The camp has a mixture of large grassy lawns, woods and nature trails in and around 15 buildings.

CAMP FACILITIES: Campers live in six easily accessible modern cabins, a dining hall, health center, adapted gymnasium, indoor/outdoor barrier-free pool, boardwalk trail in the woods, campsite, activites building with a stage, rec hall and many activity rooms.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Camp Oakhurst has trained and experienced counselors, activity specialists, barrier-free facilities and adapated activities to allow for a stay at Oakhurst to be an enriching, fun and memorable experience for children and adults with physical and developmental disabilities. Campers discover new abilities and new strengths, which helps foster more independence and self confidence. Music and drama, arts and crafts, media arts, nature, recreation, cooking and off-camp trips...these are Camp Oakhurst activities available to our campers during every summer camp or year-round respite session (and swimming 6 months a year!)

CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Campers with New York or New Jersey state eligibility may have part or all of their fees covered. Scholarships/sliding fee scale available.

YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: Off-season respite 2-7 days/nights.

OTHER CAMP INFO: Camp Oakhurst, established in 1906, is operated by New York Service for the Handicapped (NYSH), an independent non-profit social service agency with offices in New York City and Oakhurst, New Jersey. NYSH serves children, teens and adults with physical and developmental disabilities, including autism. Our campus is fully accessible and barrier free for wheelchair users, including our heated swimming pool, and is only about 55 miles south of New York City. Transportation from New York City is available. While we have a 9 week summer camp program, we also provide over 150 days of year-round overnight respite stays of 2-7 days in length and offer a day recreation program for adults living in Monmouth County, NJ.

Adults (ages 20 and up): June 17-June 24 Children (ages 8-19): June 27 to July 9 Children (ages 8-19): July 11 to July 23 Children (ages 8-19): July 25-August 6 Youth Diagnosed with Autism (ages 8-21): August 14-19 Youth Diagnosed with Autism (ages 8-21): August 29- September 2nd Please visit for more information and call 732-531-0215 for information on fees. Campers with New York or New Jersey state eligiblity may have part or all of their fees covered. Scholarships/sliding fee scale available.

Registered Nurses needed for the summer 2016. June to September. Salary plus room and board.

Summer camp counselors for the summer of 2016 June to September. Salary plus room and board.

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Camp Oakhurst

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Rhino Theatre Summer Camp
Pompton Lakes, New Jersey

Visit Our Rhino Theatre Summer Camp Website
237 Hamburg Turnpike
Pompton Lakes, New Jersey 07442

237 Hamburg Turnpike, Pompton Lakes, NJ  07442



CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: The Academy's two summer programs (Conservatories & Intensives) are a remarkable opportunity, providing experience and exposure that simply can't be obtained in any of our other offerings during the year and is an excellent opportunity for students to not only prepare for next season's opportunities and further develop and explore the joy and excitement of theatrical craft and artistry with extended summer hours; but they also provide students a chance to enjoy time fostering friendships and taking a break from their normal high pressure, hectic school year and audition season routines, and have some fun doing what they love or will surely come to love.

Music/Band, Musical Theater, Theater, Dance, and more.

Rhino Theatre Summer Camp is a Top Band Summer Camp located in Pompton Lakes New Jersey offering many fun and educational Band and other activities, including: Dance, Theater, Musical Theater and more. Rhino Theatre Summer Camp is a top Band Camp for ages: 7-18.

CAMP LOCATION: We are located just 30 miles from NYC. Our almost 200-seat mainstage theatre is state-of-the art along with our brand new 90-seat black box theatre! Please visit our website for more information!


Our Summer Conservatory Programs are week-long (5 day) programs that focus on one or two specific arenas of theatrical craft and artistry, such as acting, singing, dance and/or improv and provide students a chance to focus more specifically on areas they want to improve and excel in or gain a footing in (such as in our Beginner's Musical Theatre Conservatory).

Our Summer Musical Theatre Intensives, which are divided into three-week (15 day) programs comprised of three options: Intensive I (Ages 10-16, Intensive 2 (Ages 13-18), and a condensed Intensive I (8 Day option - Ages 10-16). These intensives focus on the application of theatrical craft and artistry in all major arenas of performance: improv, acting, dance, and voice. Participation in one of our conservatories is a great chance for students to demonstrate their talent on a grand scale, and allows them to develop at their own pace in a supportive and constructive environment , working on material that is age and skill appropriate, while affording students a chance to also push and test the boundary of what they think is possible to help them unlock their hidden potentials.

Refer to website.

YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: Rhino Theatre and Rhino Studio operate all year long with interesting and unique programming. We offer workshops (weekly and one day only). As well as shows that kids and teens can audition for or watch as an audience member. Please call us or visit our website for more details.

Many weekly camps and three 3-week camps to choose from! Please check out our website for the different programs!

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Rhino Theatre Summer Camp

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New Jersey Band Camp Shirts, Posters, and Gear Available Through Our Website.

Porch Light Productions Middle School Intensive
Glen Rock, NJ

Visit Our Porch Light Productions Middle School Intensive Website
555 Broad Street
Glen Rock, NJ 07452

More than 6 months ago. Contact camp for the latest 2025 camp info.

CAMPER AGES: 11 - 14


CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

Music/Band, Musical Theater, Theater, Dance, and more.

CAMP LOCATION: Located in Glen Rock, NJ

CAMP FACILITIES: Black box theatre

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Designed for our middle school performers, ages 11-14, this 2-week intensive focuses on enhancing stage presence, character development, vocal technique and dance through a series of selections appropriate to our theme. This workshop culminates with a final performance for family and friends

Jul 08 - Jul 18, 1:00PM-4:00PM
Refer to website for more info: Our Camp Website Link:

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Porch Light Productions Middle School Intensive

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Appel Farm Arts Camp
Elmer, New Jersey

Visit Our Appel Farm Arts Camp Website
856-358-2472 or 800-394-8478
457 Shirley Road
Elmer, New Jersey 08318

PO Box 888, Elmer, NJ 08318

Watch Our Appel Farm Arts Camp Video


TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway.

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Appel Farm Arts Camp is a coed, arts-focused residential camp set in a traditional camp environment. For more than 55 years, summers at Appel Farm have sparked the imaginations of thousands of children as they interacted with artists from around the world. Combinable 2-week sessions allow campers to stay up to 4, 6, and 8 weeks in 2018.

Music/Band, Computers, Technology, Academics, Musical Theater, Theater, Video/Filmmaking/Photography, Fine Arts/Crafts, Dance, Swimming, Tennis, Horses/Equestrian, and more. LEGO® Robotics & Design.

CAMP LOCATION: Appel Farm Arts Camp is in rural South Jersey, just 30 minutes south east from the city of Philadelphia and 2.5 hours from NYC and Washington DC. Please visit Our Camp Website Link: for more information.

CAMP FACILITIES: We have 25 dormitory style modern cabins, an air conditioned indoor theater, visual arts building, and dining hall, two dance studios, an outdoor swimming pool, an outdoor stage, a basketball court, and tennis courts. All of our indoor learning spaces are air conditioned.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: At Appel Farm campers choose two major activities and two minor activities for their session. In addition to those four learning activities during the day campers will have two "workshop" or free choice periods when they can participate in other opt-in activities. All of our teaching staff are 20+ YOA and either studying to be or already are established professionals in their field.

CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: Counselor in Training program for 16-17 year old campers. See info at: Our Camp Website Link:

CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: We offer both Scholarship and Tuition Assistance. See information at: Our Camp Website Link:

FAMILY CAMP SESSION(S): We are excited to announce our fall Family Camp Weekend November 3-5, 2017. For more information email camp[AT]

For complete camp sessions, dates, and fees info please visit: Our Camp Website Link:

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Appel Farm Arts Camp

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Camp Louemma
Sussex, NJ

Visit Our Camp Louemma Website
973-287-7264 - Winter
973-875-4403 - Summer

43 Louemma Lane
Sussex, NJ 07461

48 Stiles Lane
Suite 202
Pine Brook, NJ 07058

Watch Our Camp Louemma Video


TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway.

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

AFFILIATION(S): Jewish. Foundation for Jewish Camp

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Camp Louemma is a Traditional Coed Sleepaway Camp in Northern New Jersey -Only 70 miles from New York City! For more than 70 years, boys and girls, ages 7-15 have been building lifelong friendships and lasting memories at Camp Louemma. Located on 152 scenic acres along the Appalachian Trail, we offer a warm and caring family atmosphere where each child is an integral part of our camp community.

Music/Band, Math, Science, Technology, Musical Theater, Theater, Video/Filmmaking/Photography, Fine Arts/Crafts, Dance, Basketball, Team Sports, Swimming, Tennis, Waterfront/Aquatics, Adventure, Wilderness/Nature, Volleyball, Soccer, and more. Camp Louemma Also Offers Gaga, Roller Hockey, Softball, Tether-ball, Handball, Fishing, Kayaking, Paddle Boats, Brand New Pool With Water Slides, Ceramics & Pottery, Dance, Radio Station, Archery, Climbing Tower & Zip-line, Mountain Biking & A Jewish Culture Program.

Camp Louemma is a Top Band Summer Camp located in Sussex New Jersey offering many fun and educational Band and other activities, including: Musical Theater, Basketball, Tennis and more. Camp Louemma is a top Band Camp for ages: 7 - 15.

CAMP LOCATION: Camp Louemma is a top-rated coed sleep-away camp located on 152 acres along the Appalachian Trail, in scenic Sussex County, New Jersey, approximately 70 miles north and west of NYC. Please visit our website to view photos and a video clip of our beautiful camp facility at Our Camp Website Link:

CAMP FACILITIES: The numerous program facilities at Camp Louemma are well maintained and designed for the enjoyment of every camper. These facilities include a brand-new Olympic size, heated swimming pool with water slides, private lake, tennis and beach volleyball courts, indoor and outdoor basketball courts, softball and soccer fields, lighted hockey rink, archery range, climbing tower with zip line, gaga arena, mountain biking trails, mini-golf course, amphitheater, playground and more. Our indoor recreation hall, performing arts theatre, arts and crafts center, canteen, and radio station guarantee that rain or shine, there is always plenty to do at Camp Louemma.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Summer is a very special time when a child seeks to learn, explore and develop new skills, hobbies and interests.

The Camp Louemma program is specifically designed to meet the diverse and ever-expanding recreational needs and interests of our campers. Because our emphasis is on participation, personal achievement and skill attainment rather than on competition alone, campers of every age and skill level are made to feel comfortable and successful.

Through the use of scheduled activity periods and structured electives, each camper can experience a well-rounded program that includes athletics, aquatics, creative and performing arts and outdoor adventure. Our elective program allows each camper to have direct input into their daily schedule. During elective periods campers may wish to try new activities, concentrate on their favorite ones or enhance their existing skills by participating in individualized instruction or clinics. Each activity is conducted in a supportive, encouraging manner by an experienced counselor or specialist.

CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: At age 15 we offer a Camper-Worker program where every other day the campers help the wait staff in our dining room. This program trains our campers for the following year when they become staff members at age 16. This program is called the WIT program (Workers In Training) where 16 and 17 year olds work as waiters and waitresses in our dining room.

CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: We off scholarship on a case by case basis according to income and circumstance. Additionally, we offer the $1000 One Happy Camper Grant for all first time campers.

OTHER CAMP INFO: At Camp Louemma we have exciting evening activities such as luaus down at the lake, campfires, pool parties, game show nights, scavenger and treasure hunts, and DJ socials, just to name a few. We also go on several out-of-camp trips each session to places such as Action Park Water-Slide Park, Wawayanda State Park (a lake beach for sand castle building contests and swimming), mine tours, Sussex County Fair, Renaissance Fair, white water rafting, bowling and movies, as well as others.

Our teen campers, ages 13-15, also attend one overnight trip each session. We also bring in outside entertainment to camp from time to time...rock bands, magicians, DJs, hypnotists, etc. Please see our website at Our Camp Website Link: for more info about our program.

Main Camp (Grades 2-7)

Full Summer: June 25th to August 6th- $8295
Session 1: June 24th to July 15th - $4725
Session 2: July 15th to August 5th - $4725

Tuition includes ALL day trips, canteen, laundry, T-shirt and bunk photo.
Spending money for trips and transportation to and from camp are not included.

Teen Camp (Grades 8-10)

Full Summer: June 25th to August 6th- $8895
Session 1: June 24th to July 15th - $5025
Session 2: July 15th to August 5th - $5025
Tuition includes ALL day and overnight trips, canteen, laundry, T-shirt and bunk photo.
Spending money for trips and transportation to and from camp are not included.

Credits for First-Time Campers
$1000 - One Happy Camper Grant
Please call for more info on first time camper incentives!

For more information please logon to: Our Camp Website Link:

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Camp Louemma

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DREAM Summerstock VTC
West Milford, New Jersey

Visit Our DREAM Summerstock VTC Website
256 Macopin Road
West Milford, New Jersey 07480

Watch Our DREAM Summerstock VTC Video


TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway.

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: DREAM Summerstock VTC: A Sleepaway Musical Theater Intensive is a 3-week residential experience led by industry professionals in West Milford, NJ. Campers will be cast in 1 of three musicals and rehearse throughout the course of the day. Although rehearsals take up lots of time, we make sure that campers still have time to enjoy NATURE! Every day at Summerstock VTC is a new adventure!

Music/Band, Musical Theater, Theater, Fine Arts/Crafts, Dance, Basketball, Swimming, Waterfront/Aquatics, Volleyball, and more.

CAMP LOCATION: Our host camp, Camp Vacamas is situated on 230 wooded acres of private land, surrounded by New Jersey’s 4,500-acre Norvin Green State Forest, with a private spring-fed 40-acre lake for swimming, canoeing, and fishing. Participants, nestled in the foothills of the Ramapo Mountains in Northwest New Jersey, have the feeling of being in the wilderness. Camp is conveniently located on the border of Bloomingdale and West Milford, less than one mile from Hamburg Turnpike and Route 23. This ideal location provides our attendees with recluse and privacy to focus on creating magic!

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: From Dance Party Breakfasts to evening Karaoke Nights and everything in between including: Specialized Workshops, Scrumptious Meals, Swimming, Boating, Hiking, Low & High Ropes, Zip Lining, Beach Parties, S’mores and Campfires! It’s like a party that NEVER STOPS! It’s so much fun, sometimes they forget just how much they are learning along the way!

Founded in 2017, DREAM Summerstock VTC: A Sleepaway Musical Theater Intensive is led by industry professionals from Broadway performers to young emerging theater artists. Vanguard is dedicated to the word DREAM: Diversity, Reciprocity, Education, Activism, and Mentorship. Our goal is to create a safe space for all students to hone in on their theatrical craft. Through the three weeks students will not only grow immensely with musical theater but also as people.

CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Vanguard is dedicated to the word DREAM: Diversity, Reciprocity, Education, Activism, and mentorship. Each year we award roughly $30,000 in financial aid. Financial Aid questions for DREAM Summerstock VTC: A Sleepaway Musical Theater Intensive can be sent to justin[AT]

YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: Vanguard Theater Company is a professional theater in Montclair, NJ with a robust education program. Vanguard offerers programs for all ages, including mainstage performances, DREAM VTC Teen Education Programs, and VTC Kids. More information can be found at Our Camp Website Link:

July 28, 2024 - August 18, 2024
Please visit Our Camp Website Link: for rates.

Interested applicants can email info[AT] 

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DREAM Summerstock VTC

There are 13 Top New Jersey Band Camps Below

NJPAC Summer Programs 2018
Newark, New Jersey

Visit Our NJPAC Summer Programs 2018 Website
24 Rector Street
Newark, New Jersey 07102


TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Day Camp.

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Immerse yourself in the arts. Strengthen your skills, cultivate your passion. NJPAC is excited to announced our 2018 Arts Education Summer Programs featuring a wide range of opportunities to inspire your creativity. Ranging from two to five weeks, most programs take place Monday through Friday from 9am to 3:30pm at NJPAC's Center for Arts Education. To enroll now or for more information, call 973-353-7058 or email artseducation[AT]

Music/Band, Musical Theater, Theater, Video/Filmmaking/Photography, Dance, and more.

CAMP LOCATION: We are located 15 miles from Manhattan, NY in the Downtown Business District of Newark, NJ in Essex County, NJ.

CAMP FACILITIES: NJPAC is a world-class and community-based cultural venue. The NJPAC Arts Education building holds classrooms, piano lab, Mac lab, Auditorium, Horizon Black Box Theater, two dance studios and single practice rooms.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: young artist summer intensive

Dance • Devised Theater • Musical Theater
NJPAC faculty members provide a positive and nurturing learning environment for students to develop their inner artist. Every division of the Young Artist Summer Intensive builds skills in the performing arts and gives students the opportunity to express themselves and create.

Apprentice Division
Ages: 10 - 16
Session One: July 9 - 20
Session Two: July 23 - August 3
Times: 9AM - 3:30PM
Tuition: $650 per session
Apprentice is an introductory program in which young artists with little or no experience explore voice, dance and devised theater.

Artisan Division**
Ages: 12 - 18
Dates: July 9 - August 3
Times: 9AM - 3:30PM
Tuition: $1,100
In Artisan, emerging artists study voice, dance and devised theater and begin to develop a performing arts portfolio.

Advanced Division**
Ages: 12 - 18
Dates: June 25 - July 27
Times: 9AM - 4PM
Tuition: $1,250
In the Advanced program, students dedicated to the performing arts, hone skills and build self-confidence in one discipline: dance, devised theater or musical theater.

**Audition required. Audition dates are March 17, 2018 and April 28, 2018. Students must be registered in order to audition.

all female jazz residency

Regina Carter, Artistic Director

Young women find inspiration and build community in this one-week jazz immersion program. Students refine their instrumental or vocal skills and work side-by-side with respected jazz musicians. The program includes individual lessons, small ensemble work, industry panel discussions, and field trips to landmark jazz institutions before culminating in a student showcase.

Ages: 14 - 25
Dates: July 8 - 14
Tuition: $1,400 for on campus residents;
$1,050 for commuters

hip hop intensive

As a community, students discover how to reimagine their world and express themselves using fundamental hip-hop cultural practices and artmaking. Students learn beatmaking (DJ, production, beatboxing); movement (break dance, classic hip-hop dance, today's trends and choreography); MCing (rap and spoken word), and visual arts (graffiti, wearable art and mural design) from ambassadors, entertainers and preservers of the culture!

Ages: 10 - 18
Dates: June 25 - July 20
Times: 9AM - 3:30PM
Tuition: $850

jazz r&b intensive

Explore the creativity and vibrancy of Latin, Classic Jazz and R&B. This intensive will enrich your repertoire with different methods of musicianship, ensemble work, listening, imporvisation and performance. NJPAC's Jazz Faculty of professional musicians will guide you through a cultrual journey and take your vocal, instrumental and songwriting skills to the next level.

Ages: 12-18
Dates: June 25 - July 6
Times: 9AM - 4PM
Tuition: $500

NJPAC filmmakers

In collaboration with Downtown Community TV, the NJPAC Filmmakers is a intensive filmmaking arts training program. Through summer classes, students will learn the fundamentals of filmmaking with an emphasis on creating their own original films. While creating films, students will attain artistic and technical skills in camera, audio, and editing programs; practice the art of storytelling using design, lighting, sound and image; create documentaries, music videos, and/or public service announcements. The program also helps students attain skills in media literacy and analysis; view and deconstruct films in round table discussions with media professionals. The program will host an end-of-the-summer film sharing where students will showcase their work.

Ages: 13-18
Dates: July 23 - August 3
Times: 9AM - 3:30PM
Tuition: $570

CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: At the NJPAC Center for Arts Education, we provide scholarship opportunities for students who because of financial limitations are unable to participate in our performing arts programs.

Arts Training scholarship opportunities come in the form of full and partial scholarships to our tuition-based programs. A limited amount of scholarships are available each year to those who meet the requirements. No student is turned away from our programs because of their inability to pay.

For more information visit: Scholarship/Financial aid information is available at Our Camp Website Link:

Visit Our Camp Website Link: for more information.

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NJPAC Summer Programs 2018

There are 12 Top New Jersey Band Camps Below

Summit Camp & Travel
New Jersey Location(s)

Visit Our Summit Camp & Travel Website
(973) 732-3230, (570) 253-4381
168 Duck Harbor Road
Honesdale, Pennsylvania 18341

Weekend Programs in NY, NJ, CT, (NY Metro), DC, VA, (DC Metro Area), PA

322 Route 46 West Suite 210 Parsippany, NJ 07054

Watch Our Summit Camp & Travel Video


TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Summer, Weekender, Teen Travel

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

AFFILIATION(S): Our dining facilities are Kosher. We are accepting of all faiths. Summit is an ACA accredited program.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Summit Camp & Travel is an awesome experience for our kids to enjoy camp, teen travel, and weekend retreats in a supportive environment that 'gets' them. Our kids march to the beat of their own drum, and when those drums come together, they create what we call "The Magic on the Hill"!

SPECIAL NEEDS CAMPERS: Summit Camp & Travel provides traditional recreational programs for youth aged 8-19 years with needs such as AD/HD, Asperger's/HFA, learning differences, and/or mild emotional challenges.

Music/Band, Computers, Math, Science, Technology, Academics, Musical Theater, Theater, Video/Filmmaking/Photography, Fine Arts/Crafts, Dance, Gymnastics, Weightloss, Basketball, Football, Baseball, Team Sports, Swimming, Tennis, Waterfront/Aquatics, Adventure, Travel, Wilderness/Nature, Volleyball, Soccer, Horses/Equestrian, Martial Arts, and more. Trampolining, Nature Program/Small Farm/Gardening, Swim Instruction, "Glee" Choir & Dance Program, Independence (Executive Function/ Independent Living Skills) Course, Tribes Social Skills Program, Banana Boating, Activities In Daily Living (Cooking, Budgeting, Etc), Jewelry Making, Ceramics, Woodshop, Karate/Martial Arts, GAGA, Go-Karting, & Archery.

Summit Camp & Travel is a Top Band Summer Camp located in Honesdale New Jersey offering many fun and educational Band and other activities, including: Basketball, Horses/Equestrian, Science and more. Summit Camp & Travel is a top Band Camp for ages: 8-19.

CAMP LOCATION: Summit is located approximately 3 hours from New York City in the far Northeast corner of Pennsylvania (45 miles northeast of Scranton, PA), in the lovely rural setting of Honesdale, Pennsylvania.

CAMP FACILITIES: Summit has approx. 30 traditional wooden cabins with electric and private facilities in each cabin. Our main buildings include our newly refinished dining hall, air-conditioned recreational hall, our medical facility, and a newly built outdoor pavilion. Summit utilizes three A frame buildings for our arts programs, a wilderness treehouse with camp fire area for cookouts, newly resurfaced basketball/tennis courts, high/low ropes course with climbing wall, heated pool, private lake, nature fields with a farm area, martial arts dojo, go-kart track with 3 karts. Summit has a small amphitheatre adjacent to our lake, with a miraculous view of our beautiful setting where we enjoy swimming, canoeing, and riding our banana boats. Our camp resides on a gently rising hillside, thus providing us with the physical basis for our motto, "The Magic on the Hill."

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Summit Camp is a co-ed sleepaway camp for ages 8-19 years with issues of attention: AD/HD, HFA/Asperger’s Disorder, and/or learning differences. Using the frame of a traditional sleepaway camp, we create platforms of success where our campers can experience outcomes such as improved self-esteem, lasting friendships, and increased independence. This is accomplished through a well-orchestrated and expertly staffed backdrop to a largely traditional camp experience- guided challenges, waterfront, adventure course, and more. It is our goal and desire to take our campers from observing peer interactions to engaging in them, to learn and celebrate their own strengths and successes, and to feel a sense of belonging and shared community with those around them while they are with us.

Our Teen Travel program extends the Summit community to provide a safe yet exciting adventure to one of our many attractive national and international destination tours offering 14 day and 19 day excursions. Summit Weekenders provide a youth-group style social retreat for adolescents to have an oasis of independence, enjoyment, and success during the school year months. Regardless of the specific program, Summit provides an expertly staffed, highly structured, and truly fun experience for our youth, and has been doing so since 1969. Summit is accredited by the American Camp Association and takes pride in our long term commitment to and successes in working with special needs youth.

CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: Our Transitions to Adult Living Skills program for youth aged 15-19 provides learning and vocational opportunities for our teens. We also have vocational programs for upper camp including, big brother/big sister, waiter/waitressing, working in a specialty area or as UL assistant, photography, and more. Our SUPER TEEN program focuses on building the executive function and daily living skills OUR kids needs to succeed as independently as possible.

YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: Summit provides weekender programs in metropolitan areas throughout the country which run from Friday evening until Sunday mid-day that provide an oasis of social involvement for our youth. NY/NJ and DC/VA weekenders meet on a monthly basis.

OTHER CAMP INFO: Summit has the following resident summer staff in addition to our dual layer of counselors and specialists. • Team of senior directorship including a Master's of Education, licensed social worker, counseling psychologist, and school psychologist. • On site Physician and group of RN's for excellent medication management and treatment on site. • Head counselor who has been a proud member of the Summit community since 1983. We pride ourselves on our ongoing support and training of our staff and our phenomenal return rate of excellent seasonal staff who help us orchestrate and bring the magic to our youth year after year.

Ongoing information can be found on our website at: Our Camp Website Link:
Travel Tours 2018: Southeast Theme Parks; San Francisco and Hawaii; Disney Alaskan Cruise

We would love to hear from interested applicants! We are looking for staff 20+ years of age. Counselors have prior experience working with our populations and are looking for a unique opportunity to develop skills and experience in the best setting, with the best supervision, available!

Our specialty teams include waterfront, arts, performing arts, adventure, nature, science, computers, athletics, and go-karting.

We are looking for specialty teachers that have experience leading youth and instructing others in their given area.

Please contact Leah Love, MS, leahl[AT], with interest in working for us. You may have never considered a special needs camp program- but let us show you why working for us may be the summer of a lifetime!

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Summit Camp and Travel

There are 11 Top New Jersey Band Camps Below

Neil Klatskin Day Camp
Tenafly, New Jersey

Visit Our Neil Klatskin Day Camp Website
Kaplen JCC on the Palisades
411 E. Clinton Avenue
Tenafly, New Jersey 07670

CAMPER AGES: ages 3 through entering 2nd Grade

TYPE OF CAMP: Day Camp. weekdays 9-4, shorter days available for younger campers

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.


BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: NKDC offers children 3-7 years old a summer of adventure and non-stop fun. Our beautiful 21 acre campus in Tenafly provides the perfect backdrop for your camper to enjoy the outdoors, learn new skills, make new friends and explore their personal interests.

SPECIAL NEEDS CAMPERS: Our Tikvah program is designed to meet the special needs of children and adolescents between the ages of 5 and 15 who have been classified with mild neurological and/or perceptual impairment. All prospective campers must be interviewed to determine if the Tikvah program can meet their individual needs and that an appropriate group placement is available. Special attention is given to each camper in order to ensure a summer of enjoyment and learning. Group sizes range from three to six campers, staffed by a minimum of two caring and qualified counselors.

Mainstreaming available in our Inclusion Program as well.

Please call 201.567.8963 for more information or to schedule an intake.

Music/Band, Fine Arts/Crafts, Dance, Weightloss, Basketball, Football, Baseball, Swimming, Tennis, Adventure, Soccer, Martial Arts, and more. Music, Nature, Yoga, Arts & Crafts, Ceramics, Challenge Course, Shabbat Celebrations, & Special Event Entertainers.

CAMP LOCATION: We are located approximately 6 miles North of the George Washington Bridge and New York City. We offer transportation from NJ and Manhattan for an additional fee.

CAMP FACILITIES: 3 outdoor pools, 2 indoor pools, water park, boys and girls locker rooms, sports fields and courts, wooded areas for hiking/nature, 4 outdoor pavilions for sheltered activities, air conditioned classrooms, 4 gymnasiums

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: The Neil Klatskin Day Camp at the Kaplen JCC on the Palisades is a place for a child to have fun while growing and maturing through his or her interaction with others. We create a "communal group" where campers and staff participate together. Camp provides experiences that challenge the body, mind and imagination of each individual. Cooperation and communication within a highly supervised group setting ensures the most meaningful and exciting camp experience for each child. It is also at the Neil Klatskin Day Camp that children strengthen their Jewish identity. Staff members consider themselves partners in helping children increase their self-awareness, self-esteem and positive attitude toward adapting to the ever-changing world around us. Neil Klatskin Day Camp invites staff and campers to share in a warm, accepting and positive manner and to maintain our high standards and goals. Please visit our website to read about all of our programs at Our Camp Website Link:

CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: CIT (Counselor-In-Training) Program For Teens Entering 10th Grade 9 am-4 pm (8 weeks) Participants in the CIT Program have the opportunity to develop the skills and experience they need to become camp counselors in summers to come. CIT's participate in special sessions on group dynamics, Jewish programming and leadership training. They develop a close group made up of other teens in leadership capacities and receive support, assistance and guidance throughout the camp season. CIT’s assist counselors with campers in each of our programs which enables them to learn about working with children of all ages. Lunch is included in the fee, and transportation is available.

CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Financial Aid is available for both camp and JCC membership. Please contact the camp office at 201-567-8963 for an application.

Lunch and snacks, towel service, trips, group photo, camp t-shirts, backpack, water bottle, and weekly challah bread are all included. Call for more information. 201-567-8963

Neil Klatskin Day Camp is seeking to fill the following positions for summer 2018:

Lifeguards (Red Cross Certified)
Head Counselors (certified educators only)
Sports Staff (including Physical education teachers)
Senior Counselors (current college students)

Experience and a love of working with children ages 3-7. Must be available for the full 8 weeks of camp (June 25th-August 17th) and for staff orientation before camp.

Please contact Melissa Peters at mpeters[AT] with interest.  For a staff application and info about NKDC, visit our website at Our Camp Website Link: and click on "Work [AT] Camp".

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Neil Klatskin Day Camp

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Summer Institute for the Gifted
New Jersey Location(s)

Visit Our Summer Institute for the Gifted Website
Various Campus Locations

Connecticut, New Jersey, Massachusetts, California, Florida, New York, Maryland, Virginia, Georgia

1 High Ridge Park, Stamford, CT 06905


TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Day Camp.

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: The Summer Institute for the Gifted (SIG), a Non-Profit academic program for gifted, academically talented, and creative students, ages 5 to 17, offers summer day, commuter, and residential programs. The 3-week programs combine academics with social, cultural, and recreational opportunities for a truly engaging summer, enriching minds where creativity thrives. Choose from prestigious campuses including Yale, Princeton, Emory, and UCLA, among others. Come see what is exciting and new at! Explore your summer. Expand your mind.

Music/Band, Computers, Math, Science, Technology, Academics, Musical Theater, Theater, Video/Filmmaking/Photography, Fine Arts/Crafts, Dance, Weightloss, Swimming, Tennis, Martial Arts, and more.

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Summer Institute for the Gifted

There are 9 Top New Jersey Band Camps Below

Rambling Pines Day Camp
Hopewell, New Jersey

Visit Our Rambling Pines Day Camp Website
174 Lambertville Hopewell Rd.
Hopewell, New Jersey 08525

Watch Our Rambling Pines Day Camp Video


TYPE OF CAMP: Day Camp. Daily: 9am - 3:30pm, extended hours 7:30am - 6:00pm

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

Music/Band, Computers, Math, Science, Theater, Fine Arts/Crafts, Dance, Gymnastics, Basketball, Football, Swimming, Tennis, Waterfront/Aquatics, Travel, Soccer, Horses/Equestrian, and more.

CAMP LOCATION: We serve and provide door-to-door transportation to the Princeton, Plainsboro, South Brunswick, West Windsor, Robbinsville, Hamilton, Lawrenceville, Skillman, Montgomery, Hillsborough, Hopewell, Pennington, Branchburg, Lambertville, Flemington, New Hope, Washington Crossing, and Yardley areas.

CAMP FACILITIES: Our camp is located on 225 acres of green and shade in the nearby Sourland Mountains. We have four beautiful heated swimming pools, air-conditioned interior spaces, and activities to suit every child’s likes and abilities. We have aquatics, athletics, performing arts, creative arts, outdoor education, horseback riding, and so much more.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: At Rambling Pines, we’re dedicated to the success of each child. We think of camp as an essential part of childhood, a place where children can make lasting friendships and mature socially, emotionally, intellectually, morally, and physically. To help create memorable experiences and help your child develop new skills, we offer programs for preschoolers, grade schoolers, and teenagers.

CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: Leaders in Training Program for 10th graders

CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Tuition Assistance is available to qualified persons.

June 23 to August 22, two weeks minimum session.

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Rambling Pines Day Camp

There are 8 Top New Jersey Band Camps Below

Music in the Somerset Hills - Summer Voices
Bernardsville, New Jersey

Visit Our Music in the Somerset Hills - Summer Voices Website
St. Bernard's Episcopal Church
88 Claremont Road
Bernardsville, New Jersey 07924

P.O. Box 729
Bernardsville, NJ 07924

Watch Our Music in the Somerset Hills - Summer Voices Video

CAMPER AGES: Entering Grades 2-12

TYPE OF CAMP: Day Camp. Monday-Thursday

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Sing like you’ve never sung before when you join the popular Summer Voices! Now in its eighth year, Summer Voices provides a vocal music camp experience unlike any other, where participants will join in solo singing and voice training, ensemble-based music-making, music theory and aural skills, and special interest sessions which enhance every student’s musicality in a fun and safe summer camp environment.

Music/Band, Computers, Technology, Academics, Musical Theater, Theater, and more. Music
Choral Music

Music in the Somerset Hills - Summer Voices is a Top Band Summer Camp located in Bernardsville New Jersey offering many fun and educational Band and other activities, including: Musical Theater, Technology, Computers and more. Music in the Somerset Hills - Summer Voices is a top Band Camp for ages: Entering Grades 2-12.

CAMP LOCATION: We are located approximately 45 minutes west of New York City in the beautiful Somerset Hills region of New Jersey.

CAMP FACILITIES: State-of-the-art music classroom

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Within the camp, students will be placed into age-based, developmentally-appropriate groups to give students the most optimal musical experience. In these groups, each singer will develop their love of music, further develop vocal skills, and increase musical knowledge and understanding. The camp will culminate in a showcase performance for friends and family at 1:30pm on the final day. Please bring a lunch each day. All students entering grades 2-12 are welcome (students will be split into groups by age during the camp day).

OTHER CAMP INFO: Camp Faculty: Matthew LaPine (Director of The Rise up Chorus), Stephen Sands (Artistic Director), Dan Foster (Founder and Director of Aoede Consort), and Gabrielle San Roman (graduate of Westminster Choir College)

Summer Voices 2020 - July 20 - July 23
Tuition: $200 (early bird); $225 thereafter

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Music in the Somerset HillsSummer Voices

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NJWA Summer Arts Workshop
Westfield, New Jersey

Visit Our NJWA Summer Arts Workshop Website
215 Elmer St
Westfield, New Jersey 07090

215 Elmer St
Westfield, NJ


TYPE OF CAMP: Day Camp. Daily 8:30 - 12:30

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

AFFILIATION(S): Wrap around with YMCA available.  Some camps occur at area churches.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Legendary Westfield, NJ music oriented day camp, now in its 50th year! Kids ages 4 and up can discover musical instruments, arts and crafts, creative movement and much more. Immerse yourself in a well-rounded arts curriculum for younger kids, or join one of our specialty camps for older musicians.

SPECIAL NEEDS CAMPERS: Special needs programs available. Call for details on specific camps.

Music/Band, Musical Theater, Fine Arts/Crafts, Dance, and more.

CAMP LOCATION: Downtown Westfield NJ

CAMP FACILITIES: Music, arts, and performance facilities for camps.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Lead by certified teachers with years of experience. NJWA Summer Arts Workshop (formerly the Westfield Summer Workshop) has been operating since 1972.

CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: Volunteer opportunities for camp youth leaders.

CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Financial aid available in cases of need. Call or email for help with the application process. Our Camp Website Link:

YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: Year round music programming including private lessons, classes, and ensembles for 18 months through retirement age.

See: 3 weeks in July 8:30 - 12:30

Volunteers and applicants can contact njwa2[AT]

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NJWA Summer Arts Workshop

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Spring Lake Day Camp
Ringwood, New Jersey

Visit Our Spring Lake Day Camp Website
234 Conklintown Road
Ringwood, New Jersey 07456

CAMPER AGES: 3 to 15


CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.


BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Founded in 1989 Spring Lake Day Camp has been a single family owned and operated facility providing children an authentic summer camp experience.

Our swim, sports, arts, adventure trips programs are amazing. A magnificent 30 acre site with 5 heated pools, water slides, private lake, athletic fields and indoor and covered areas to keep us moving on rainy day and heat waves.

A/C Mini Bus door to door transportation, catered lunch, camp shirts and camp bags included.

Low camper counselor ratios, professional coaches. Let's have FUN and develop "skills for life".

Music/Band, Science, Technology, Musical Theater, Theater, Video/Filmmaking/Photography, Fine Arts/Crafts, Dance, Gymnastics, Weightloss, Basketball, Football, Baseball, Team Sports, Swimming, Tennis, Waterfront/Aquatics, Adventure, Travel, Wilderness/Nature, Volleyball, Soccer, Golf, Horses/Equestrian, Martial Arts, and more.

Zip Lining

CAMP LOCATION: We are just 25 miles north west of the GWB tucked in the foothills of the Ramapo Mountains of picturesque Ringwood NJ. on the Bergen County Passaic County Border. Easy access of route 208 and 287.

Please visit the website for directions, photos and videos.

CAMP FACILITIES: Nothing compares. A true camp setting with 30 acres of State o the Art designed fun. Manicured athletic fields, heated pools, private lake for boating and fishing, zip lines, aerial tree courses, indoor and outdoor specialty areas.

"Seeing is Believing"

Call or click our web site for more information and schedule your tour today.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: We are a proud member of the American Camp Association. Our highly instructional well rounded program allows campers to achieve their personal best at their own pace all within a safe environment. Making friends and taking healthy risks is the cornerstone of making a great camp community.

We are now in our second generation of camping. Spring Lake Day Camp was founded in 1989 by Mitchell Kessler. Mitchell was born into the camp business. He attended overnight and day camps as a child which were owned and operated by his family. Today Mitchell and Michelle Kessler are the proud owner / directors of Spring Lake Day Camp.

Spring Lake Day Camp has won architectural awards and has been a key contributor to the ACA and other camp associations.

CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: Camper's entering 10th grade can inquire about our Leadership in Training program.
Details on web, at: Our Camp Website Link:

YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: Our facility also offers year round team building opportunities for companies and schools.

For complete information, please refer to Our Camp Website Link:

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Spring Lake Day Camp

There are 5 Top New Jersey Band Camps Below

Steve & Kate's Camp
New Jersey Location(s)

Visit Our Steve & Kate's Camp Website
425 Dempster Street
Evanston, Illinois 60201

Washington D.C.
New Jersey
New York

28 Liberty Ship Way, Suite 2815,
Sausalito, CA 94965

Watch Our Steve & Kate's Camp Video

CAMPER AGES: 4 years old - 7th grade

TYPE OF CAMP: Day Camp. M-F: 7:30am - 6pm

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: At Steve & Kate's, we strive to create an environment where children can explore their passions at their own pace -- from music recording and animation, to sports, sewing, and baking. We believe that when campers are given choice and freedom, they learn on a deeper and more meaningful level, gain confidence, and are genuinely happy! Parents love our flexibility in scheduling, as we offer day passes or membership, and drop-off and pick-up can take place anytime within our hours (7:30am-6pm). Food is included and any unused day passes are automatically refunded at the end of the summer.

Music/Band, Technology, Video/Filmmaking/Photography, Dance, Soccer, and more.

Steve & Kate s Camp is a Top Band Summer Camp located in Evanston New Jersey offering many fun and educational Band and other activities, including: Dance, Soccer, Music/Band and more. Steve & Kate s Camp is a top Band Camp for ages: 4 years old - 7th grade.

CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Financial aid is available! Please see our website for more information: Our Camp Website Link:

For camp session and fees info, please visit: Our Camp Website Link:

For summer job info, please visit: Our Camp Website Link:

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Steve and Kates Camp

There are 4 Top New Jersey Band Camps Below

Liberty Lake Day Camp
Bordentown, NJ

Visit Our Liberty Lake Day Camp Website
1195 Florence Columbus Rd.
Bordentown, NJ 08505

Watch Our Liberty Lake Day Camp Video



CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

SPECIAL NEEDS CAMPERS: Liberty Lake does exceptionally well with campers with special needs.

Music/Band, Computers, Science, Technology, Academics, Musical Theater, Theater, Video/Filmmaking/Photography, Fine Arts/Crafts, Dance, Gymnastics, Cheerleading, Basketball, Baseball, Team Sports, Swimming, Waterfront/Aquatics, Adventure, Wilderness/Nature, Soccer, Golf, and more. Over 60 Wide-ranging Activities.

CAMP LOCATION: Liberty Lake is located just seconds off Route 295, exit 52A, 20 minutes south of Princeton, and 20 minutes north of Cherry Hill. Other local roadways close by include Routes 206, 130, 537, 195 and the NJ Turnpike (exit 7).

CAMP FACILITIES: 60 Acres, two 80 foot swimming pools, 5 Acre Lake, High Ropes Adventure Course, Athletic Fields, Lakeside Amphitheater, Bike and Nature Trails, and so much more!

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Liberty Lake does exceptionally well with special needs campers: Our Camp Website Link:

Liberty Lake only hires the best and the brightest staff: Our Camp Website Link:

The Liberty Lake "Freedom of Choice" Elective Program gives campers the opportunity to customize their weekly schedules with over 60 wide-ranging activities: Our Camp Website Link:

Liberty Lake Day Camp is accredited by the American Camp Association.


CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: There are many discounts and payment options

OTHER CAMP INFO: Liberty Lake teaches LIFE SKILLS and inspires children to change the world! Liberty Lake Day Camp is a truly transformative experience- As physical, emotional, social and intellectual skills are developed within a warm, caring and supportive Camp Community.

Liberty Lake is the magical summer home for hundreds of children ages 4 to 15 (and staff ages 16+) to expand their talents, make new friends, and develop the life skills needed to be successful in the 21st century. We provide children the opportunity to have the greatest summer experience imaginable.

Liberty Lake offers 2-10 week sessions, starting mid-June, through mid-August. Specific dates and rates are available online at: Our Camp Website Link: There are many discounts and payment options, as well as a uniquely generous "no-risk refund policy"

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Liberty Lake Day Camp

There are 3 Top New Jersey Band Camps Below

Oak Crest Day Camp
Somerset, New Jersey

Visit Our Oak Crest Day Camp Website
92 Cortelyous Lane
Somerset, New Jersey 08873

Watch Our Oak Crest Day Camp Video



CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Oak Crest Day Camp, located in Somerset, NJ, is the premier day camp in Central Jersey. Our beautiful 35-acre facility has acres of field space, indoor air-conditioned Creative Studio, and full Challenge Course with a 40’ climbing tower and zip line. We have 4 heated pools, including our Brand New, State of the Art 7,000 square foot Aquatic Complex.

The Oak Crest experience includes Door-to-Door Transportation, Hot Lunch, Red Cross Certified Swim Instruction, and Professionally Screened and Trained Staff. Activities include sports, arts and crafts, archery, ceramics, jewelry, dance, drama, go-karts, cooking, rocketry, mountain biking, skateboarding in our Skate Park, and BMX Biking on our track. For more information, please check out our website at Our Camp Website Link: or call us at 732-297-2000.

Music/Band, Computers, Science, Technology, Musical Theater, Theater, Video/Filmmaking/Photography, Fine Arts/Crafts, Dance, Gymnastics, Basketball, Football, Baseball, Swimming, Tennis, Waterfront/Aquatics, Wilderness/Nature, Volleyball, Soccer, Martial Arts, and more.

CAMP LOCATION: Oak Crest Day Camp, located in Somerset, NJ, is the premier day camp in Central Jersey and is located on 35 beautiful acres.

CAMP FACILITIES: Our beautiful facility has acres of field space, indoor air-conditioned Creative Studio, and full Challenge Course with a 40’ climbing tower and zip line. We have 4 heated pools, including our Brand New, State of the Art 7,000 square foot Aquatic Complex.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Voted Best Day Camp in Central New Jersey TWO Years in a Row!

The Oak Crest experience includes Door-to-Door Transportation, Hot Lunch, Red Cross Certified Swim Instruction, and Professionally Screened and Trained Staff.

Please visit our website Our Camp Website Link: for current promotions, camp dates, programs and rates.

Please visit our website at Our Camp Website Link: and complete the online application.  Available summer job opportunities include Counselors, Athletic Specialists, Swim Instructors, Creative Specialists, and Ropes Specialists.

You must be available to work all 8 weeks of camp (camp starts the last week of June).

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Oak Crest Day Camp

There are 2 Top New Jersey Band Camps Below

Notre Dame High School Summer Programs
Lawrenceville, New Jersey

Visit Our Notre Dame High School Summer Programs Website
609.882.7900 x160
601 Lawrence Road
Lawrenceville, New Jersey 08648



CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

AFFILIATION(S): Roman Catholic Diocese of Trenton 

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Summer Programs at Notre Dame High School offer a variety of opportunities, including Academic Courses for credit, Enrichment Classes and Athletic Camps. Located on 100 beautiful acres in Central New Jersey, just across the river from Bucks County, Pennsylvania, Notre Dame High School offers a wireless environment, new science labs, turf playing field with track, newly renovated performing art facility and strength and conditioning facilities.

Music/Band, Computers, Math, Technology, Academics, Musical Theater, Theater, Video/Filmmaking/Photography, Fine Arts/Crafts, Cheerleading, Weightloss, Basketball, Football, Baseball, Team Sports, Swimming, Tennis, Soccer, Wrestling, and more. Lacrosse, Drivers Education, Physical Education, First Aid, Health, Meditation & Mindfulness, College Application Program, Part Day Kids Camp, & Service Camp.

CAMP LOCATION: Located on 100 beautiful acres in Central New Jersey, just across the river from Bucks County, Pennsylvania.

CAMP FACILITIES: Notre Dame High School offers a wireless environment, new science labs, turf playing field with track, newly preforming arts facility and strength and conditioning facilities.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: For more information on Notre Dame High School's summer athletic camps, please visit Notre Dame's website Our Camp Website Link:


For questions on any of the summer offerings at ND, please contact Sean Clancy at 609.882.7900, ext. 160 or email summer[AT]

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Notre Dame High School Summer Programs

NJ Band Camp Parents & Campers

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There is 1 Top New Jersey Band Camp Below

New Jersey Boy Scouts Camps
Summer Camps in New Jersey
Garden State Council, BSA
693 Rancocas Road
Westampton, NJ 08060
(732) 823-1395

For more info visit the website.

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NEW JERSEY BAND CAMP OWNERS & DIRECTORS: If you would like to submit your camp for listing in our 2025 Best New Jersey Summer Band Camps Directory, please click on the "SUBMIT YOUR CAMP" link above.

NEW JERSEY BAND CAMP PARENTS & CAMPERS: If you are looking to find info on how to choose the best summer camp to attend this summer, please check out our 2025 GUIDE TO CHOOSING THE BEST SUMMER BAND CAMP for some great camp research tips and lots of important 2025 summer camp info.

In addition to our 2025 New Jersey Summer Band Camps Directory we have also created quite a few SPECIAL INTEREST CAMP DIRECTORIES, and have included brief descriptions of these and links to their dedicated websites on the 2025 CAMP GUIDE page.

You can go directly to any of our other 2025 Special Interest Camp Directories from the list in the black bar at the bottom of this page.


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Updated: May 24, 2018

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